Alcian Blue 8GX for microscopy, 10 g

Brand Labbox

In stock
On order

Article number. LXABLU00P-010

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Homogeneous, free flowing and beige. If any changes phisically, discard product.
App. White to pale brown powder
Moisture < 12%
Conc. of use 1.2 - 1.6%
Ash < 4.5%
Absernce of inhibitors
Turb. (1.5%) < 8NTU
pH (1.5%)bef.autocl. 6.0 - 7.5
pH (1.5%)aft. autocl. 6.0 - 7.5
Colour. before autocl. (450nm) < 0.25
Colour. after autocl. (450nm) < 0.30
Gel strength (Nikan) 800 - 1100g/cm
Gel point (1.5%) 34 - 38°C
Melt. range (1.5%) 85 - 90°C
Part. size (mesh 60 ASTM) > 95%
As < 0.0003%
Pb < 0.0005%
Hg < 0.0001%
Cd < 0.0001%
Heavy met. < 0.002%

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Delivery status: in stock

Delivery status: on order