Neogen LM1: The best solution for hygiene control in your factory or laboratory

Neogen LM1

1. ATP cleaning control system


The Neogen LM1, or Neogen Clean-Trace LM1 ATP meter, is extremely useful and important for various sectors such as food production, the pharmaceutical industry, the beverage industry and the fast food sector.


What kind of controls?

  • Cleaning control
  • Hygiene control
  • Rinse water measurement
  • Determination and verification of cross-contamination



The rapid hygiene monitoring with Clean Trace offers a number of important advantages over other validation methods.

  • Proactive monitoring in real-time
  • Reliability
  • Direct and indirect risk assessment
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to interpret
  • Enables the development of a corrective action procedure
  • Continuous improvement programmes
  • Data management and trend analysis
  • Does not require laboratory equipment
  • Clean trace system for hygiene management


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LM1 + Swab

Bioluminescence is a technology based on the detection of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), an energetic molecule of all living organisms, it is a natural phenomenon found in many algae and aquatic bacteria, as well as in the light produced by fireflies, where this technology has developed.
Fireflies have an enzyme called Luciferin-Luciferase that, in combination with ATP, produces light.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a compound present in all living things, animals and plants, including many foods and food waste products, bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms. The amount of ATP can be used as an indicator of the amount of such substances on surfaces that come into contact with food, providing a measure of their cleanliness and the efficiency of cleaning, sanitising and disinfection processes.

Clean Trace is the diagnostic system for direct swab hygiene, which together with the set of reagents provides all the necessary components for the measurement of ATP.


ATP, according to the chemical reacting

 Luciferin-Luciferase + ATP = LIGHT

2. Clean-Trace™ Swabs for ATP detection with the UXL 100 Surfaces

  • Fast and reliable results in seconds.
  • Get results in 3 easy steps: 
    1. Swab the surface
    2. Place the swab in a Clean-Trace™ Luminometer for analysis 
    3. Interpret the results.
  • System with the high degree of repeatability and consistency. Lower coefficient of variation.
  • Flexible swab design helps you sample difficult areas.


Fast and reliable results in seconds.

Clean-Trace™ Surface ATP UXL100 is a single-use swab for sampling a surface. 

When the test is activated, the chemical reacts with the sample collected on the cotton swab of the UXL100 swabs, producing light.  The amount of light produced is proportional to the degree of potential contamination.

The Clean Trace ™ Luminometer or ATP meter is required to perform the light measurement, the results are displayed in relative light units (RLU). The higher the RLU number, the more contaminated the sample.

This product can be used with minimal training and is easily integrated into your company's HACCP programmes to monitor cleaning effectiveness. 






3. The best solution for hygiene control in your company or laboratory

The surfaces that come into contact with food during the different processes of the food chain (transport, storage, processing, etc.) can be a source of microbiological contamination. It is therefore extremely important to ensure proper hygiene and disinfection of all work surfaces and equipment. Without proper control of cleanliness, food safety and thus consumer safety cannot be guaranteed.

After a cleaning and disinfection process, small populations of bacteria or organic waste may remain. Micro-organisms have an enormous capacity to grow and form large populations in a short time (sometimes they can accumulate to biofilms, which are very difficult to remove). Therefore, cleaning and disinfection control must use sensitive methods that can detect small amounts of organic waste.

Furthermore, hygiene control is not only useful for preventing infection or contamination, but also has an economic importance, as it serves to prevent damage to work equipment and machinery.

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