The new risk test for Salmonella


Why choose a rapid test?

  • harnessing the power of environmental monitoring and process controls
  • prevent outbreaks and recalls
  • implement appropriate risk assessment


Why the choice of N-Light Salmonella Risk?

Early detection and elimination of Salmonella is crucial, as some strains can multiply at temperatures as low as 7°C. Some strains are somewhat heat-resistant, especially in dry or high-fat foods, such as salty snacks, seeds, spices and dairy powders.

N-LightTM Salmonella Risk is a rapid detection method for quality managers in the food industry who are frustrated by the low number of usable results their monitoring produces. Implementing this method in your environmental monitoring allows for simple, safe and affordable laboratory-free risk screening for Salmonella. It allows you to take immediate corrective action on potential sources of contamination. Key to this new approach is the ability to increase on-site coverage and flexibility.


Salmonella Nemis Rapid Detection
